Self-Care Affirmations

Affirmation #1

Confess You’re a Mess

“I am valued. I am worthy. I am brave. I am empowered. I am equal. I am strong. I am more than enough. I am free of condemnation. I am not my past. I am fresh and new. I am pure. I am not under a low-lying black cloud. I am free! I am ready for anything, and I can make it through anything. I am healed. I am whole. I am an amazing woman. I am a loving mom. I am (say your name), and I will keep working until I become the best version of myself.”

Affirmation #2

Spirit, Soul & Body Connection

“I am free. My spirit is healthy. I am stable. My soul is healthy. I am strong. My body is healthy. I release every fear, anger, worry, anxiety, guilt, and shame. I choose peace and love. I let go of every negativity. I choose positivity. My soul is at rest because – I have a resolute mind. I have power over my will and choose to use it tactfully. My emotions are balanced. I prioritize my body, and I nourish it with wholesome meals. I refuse a sedentary lifestyle because I am strong. My soul is precious, so I protect it. I am cautious of what I read, watch, and listen to. I choose wholesome relationships. I am intentional about my health. My spirit, soul, and body are one. I am (say your name), and I will keep working until I become the best version of myself.”

Affirmation #3

Going Back To Go Forward

“My past will not determine my present and future. I refuse to harbor resentment and bitterness. I choose compassion. I choose perspective. I choose to release. I choose to love. I choose to give. I choose forgiveness. I have power over every triggering situation. I exercise authority over my emotions. I choose to heal. I choose wholeness. I am an amazing mom. I am (say your name), and I will keep working until I become the best version of myself.”

Affirmation #4

Let’s Get Real…Together

“I have great friends who challenge and encourage me to be my best self. I thrive as a mom because of my core group. I value quality relationships, so I give my best to maintain them. I am not alone. A community of like minds surrounds me. I am intentional about those who fill my space and take up my energy. Time with my community is self-care, and I love it. I am (say your name), and I will keep working until I become the best version of myself.”

Affirmation #5


“I know who I am, and I love it. I am made of love. I am made of peace. I am wise. My heart is pure. I know my strengths, and I build on them. I know my weaknesses and keep working to overcome them. I am a good woman. I am a good mom. I am self-aware. I am (say your name), and I will keep working until I become the best version of myself.”

Affirmation #6

Reflective Thinking

“I take responsibility for my actions. I learn from my mistakes and become better. I am in control of my emotions. I do what I love, and I love what I do. Self-care is important to me. I love my children. Therefore, I give them my undivided attention. No job is more important than the time I need to spend with my family. I am (say your name), and I will keep working until I become the best version of myself.”

Affirmation #7

Establish the Gift of Limits

“I am a woman of great worth and value. I know my boundaries, and I protect them. I refuse to give anyone the power to manipulate me. I love myself, so I say “No” when needed, and I feel no guilt or shame because I know who I am. I am (say your name), and I will keep working until I become the best version of myself.”

Affirmation #8

Uncovering the Lies You Say to Yourself

“I take responsibility for my actions. I learn from my mistakes and become better. I am in control of my emotions. I do what I love, and I love what I do. Self-care is important to me. I love my children. Therefore, I give them my undivided attention. No job is more important than the time I need to spend with my family. I am (say your name), and I will keep working until I become the best version of myself.”

Affirmation #9

Embrace Loss and Grieving

 Something a little different today. Create your affirmations using your list of empowering beliefs. End with our usual phrase:

“I am (say your name), and I will keep working until I become the best version of me.”

Affirmation #10

Uncovering the Lies You Say to Yourself

“I take responsibility for my actions. I learn from my mistakes and become better. I am in control of my emotions. I do what I love, and I love what I do. Self-care is important to me. I love my children. Therefore, I give them my undivided attention. No job is more important than the time I need to spend with my family. I am (say your name), and I will keep working until I become the best version of myself.”

Affirmation #11

Time to Dream

“I have a dream, and I’m going for it. I am disciplined. I
am determined. I am focused. I am resilient. I am filled
with gratitude. I am responsible. I am (say your name),
and I will keep working until I become the best version
of myself.”

Affirmation #12

Circle of Friends

“I am a great friend. I am worthy of great friendships. I
attract like-minded people. I put effort into maintaining
friendships because they matter to me. I am (say your
name), and I will keep working until I become the best
version of myself.”

Affirmation #13

Create Your Life Plan

“I place great value on my life, so I take time to plan it.
I know my priorities, and I stay within them. I give my
best with every task. I have laser focus to accomplish my
goals. I cannot control every outcome, but I can control
my responses. I choose to be at peace with whatever
comes my way. I choose hope, not despair. I will stay
positive through every phase of my life. I am (say your
name), and I will keep working until I become the best
version of myself.”

Affirmation #14

Write Your Eulogy

“I am alive and well. I’ll live a rich and fulfilling life. The
future is out of my control. I’ll do what I can with what I
have now. I am (say your name), and I will keep working
until I become the best version of myself.”

Affirmation #15


“I am grateful for the
life I have been given. I am (say your name), and I will
keep working until I become the best version of myself.”

Affirmation #16

It Will All Be Worth It

“I am the best mom my child(ren) could ever have. This
phase may be tough, but I am tougher. I find meaning in
mundane things. Every effort will be worth it, and my
children will make me proud. I am (say your name), and
I will keep working until I become the best version of