I help you experience a deeper connection with yourself

I am transparent, vulnerable and honest. I admit my mistakes to help people believe in second chances. I share my personal growth to encourage others to strive for results. I love people and LOVE listens…to their story…what’s yours?


Stay Connected

I help you experience a deeper connection with yourself

 What’s holding you back from living a rich and satisfying life filled with healthy relationships,  meaningful work and living healthy and whole? 

Let’s get you unstuck and moving forward in the abundant life you deserve!


What People are Saying

"With compassion and humility, Marissa cites her own struggles as she gently prods you back into LIFE.

Self-Care Self Love for Overwhelmed Moms is a must-read for the sake of your family, your workplace and most of all yourself.

From staying healthy to parenting to communication and boundaries--you'll want to keep this on your nightstand with a bible and a box of tissue."
- Ginny L.
Writer, Red Letter Editing

“Let me help you see the truth about yourself so you can be set free and live the abundant life you deserve.”

My Truth

I was broken! Now I am healed!

Thanks to 17 Truths that I applied to my life and found in my book as a result of being on a healing journey for more than 20 years.

I know myself better, understand why I do what I do and able to manage my emotions which I refer to as my dashboard lights. And when the check engine light goes on, it’s time for me to take a look under the hood.

But I didn’t know how to dig deep and make sense of my past hurts.  All I knew was that I desperately wanted a strong relationship with my kids when I became a mother, one I never had with my parents. 

 I was determined to do whatever it took to become the mom my kids needed. 

That’s when I became open to therapy, private retreats & conferences that focused on healing & wholeness.  Slowly, transformation from the inside out began and I fell in love with ME!  As a result, I own up to my actions more, make wiser decisions, respond with more calmness, laugh more, surround myself with “healthier” people, learn to set boundaries,  am motivated to eat healthier and my relationships have gotten deeper.  

I want this for you too!  So if you’re willing to look “inside,” you may find a big mess but if you’re willing to do the work, you can expect transformation.  Begin your Self-Care Self-Love journey by buying my book which is the foundation of everything I offer, especially if you become a member of the Soul Care Journey community where you’ll be connected with a group of like-minded moms and highly recommended therapists where together we can…

Get Real. Be Healed. Live Happier.

Becoming the Mom You Dream About

When you are on your healing journey, life is more fulfilling. There is no better place to be! The best gift you can give your children is to be healed and whole so that you don’t pass your hurt and trauma to them. The relationship I never had with my parents has now been redeemed, and I have a loving bond with my adult children. This change only happened because I made deliberate steps to forgive, let go of hurt, and heal. Your tomorrow can’t be beautiful until you deal with your ugly past. Buy the book to start your transformation in 2023 and set yourself and the next generations free!

Applying What
You Learned

It happens all the time, you read a great book and quickly forget what you learned. To make sure the life-giving information you read from Self-Care Self-Love for Overwhelmed Moms sticks, you’ll want  this workbook!  It’s the perfect complement and will take you even deeper on your healing journey.  The step-by-step compassionate guide will lead you to discover your true identity, heal from your past hurts and be able to define the “abundant life” you want to live.

This workbook will get you unstuck and take you where you need to go!


I want you to start 2023 with more joy, peace and energy pursuing what you love!

It took me 2 decades to finally get to this place not realizing what was holding me back was ME!

My thinking was focused on lack and my childhood upbringing played a key role. But I didn’t realize that until I started looking inward and connecting the dots of my past with my present.

I learned how to GET UNSTUCK by LETTING GO and now I can move forward in life with greater confidence and peace of mind.  

I want the same for you!

My latest book is a result of a 20 year healing journey to living the “abundant life” you and I were created to have.




I’m in love with journals and over the years I have collected a library of them  that adorn my shelves or stuffed in boxes. But you’re probably like me where every single journal was started but never completed!  

So I came up with The Ultimate Journal that walks you through thought provoking questions that will help you to know yourself better in every area of your life!

 This is the only Journal you will ever need and after you’re done, gift it to your loved ones as a legacy to be passed on from generation to generation. 


Listen & Learn

Are you a mom who puts everyone else before herself? You’re not alone, and there’s a very good reason why it’s time to shift your priorities.

Want to know the secret to nurturing a better relationship with your kids and bringing your family to life with newfound happiness?

It starts with YOU!

If you desire to become the Master of Self-Care and make motherhood much more fulfilling, this is the PERFECT BOOK for you!


Step 1

You’ll learn the framework for the transformation you’re about to experience.  Get access to the ebook at no cost prior to launch.

Step 2

You’ll apply everything you’ve learned through journaling, life scoring, assessments and more all in one confidential, secure portal.

Step 3


 Be part of an exclusive community of like-minded parents sharing one goal…